We're open
Christmas Period Opening Times Repeat Prescription Requests Over Christmas and New Year Announcement of New Doctors at Maple Surgery Seasonal Flu Vaccinations 2024 Mental health text line – HEAR 85258 Practice closure afternoon – Wednesday 20th November 2024 Ear Irrigation Appointments Provider of services at Maple Surgery
We want to assure you that anything you discuss with any member of the surgery staff, whether doctor, nurse or receptionist, will remain confidential.
If you have any worries or queries about confidentiality, please ask a member of staff.
If you would like to discuss matters of a confidential nature, either with our receptionists or a member of the dispensary team, we have a side room available in reception for this purpose.
It is essential for us to hold personal information about you in order for us to look after your health needs. If you have any changes to your circumstances, please inform us to ensure your record is kept up to date.
Staff in the practice will need to access your medical records to enable them to do their jobs..
There will be times when information may need to be shared with others involved in your care. In some circumstances we may be required by law to release your details to statutory or other official bodies, for example if a court order is presented, or in the case of public health issues.
To ensure your privacy, we will not disclose information unless we are sure it is safe to do so. Information will not be disclosed to family, friends or spouses unless we have prior written consent, and we will not, leave messages with others.
You have a right to see your records if you wish. Please ask at reception if you would like further details about this.
The following IT systems are in use at the practice:
If you are not already registered for online access and would like to be please complete our online form.
If you would like access to your medical records enabled or would like to opt out of the local or national summary care record, please contact reception.
Our patients have the right to:
Our patients have a responsibility to:
We understand that there may be appointments where you feel that you would be more comfortable having someone with you during an examination. You are always welcome to bring a friend or relative to act as a chaperone.
If you need them, we have ensured that members of our team have been fully trained as chaperones, please let the receptionist know at the time of booking if you require a chaperone.
Our practice is committed to ensuring the security of data used by our information systems. This means that we will take all reasonable actions to;
Maintain the Confidentiality of all data within the practice by:
Maintain the integrity of all data within the practice by:
Maintain the availability of all data by:
Additionally we will take all reasonable measures to comply with our legal responsibilities under:
Your patient record is held securely and confidentially on the electronic system at your GP practice. If you require treatment in another NHS healthcare setting such as an Emergency Department or Minor Injury Unit, those treating you would be better able to give you appropriate care if some of the information from the GP practice were available to them.
This information can now be shared electronically via: The Summary Care Record, used nationally across England
The information will be used only by authorised health care professionals directly involved in your care. Your permission will be asked before the information is accessed, unless the clinician is unable to ask you and there is a clinical reason for access.
If you would like to opt out, please ask reception for our opt out form.
A parent or guardian can request to opt out children under 16 but ultimately it is the GPs decision whether to create the records or not, because of their duty of care to the child. If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16 and feel that they are able to understand, then you should make this information available to them.
Who Has Access?
Across all health care settings, including urgent care, community care and outpatient departments in England.
Information Source
GP record
We are committed to providing the best support and care we can to all our patients, but often it is those elderly patients living at home alone who are overlooked because they do not want to bother us. Then they become ill and often go into hospital when, with a little more help and support this could be avoided.
Every member of our team has allocated to them several patients who, with their consent, they contact on a regular basis to make sure they are safe and well and looking after themselves. The patients appreciate this contact and we can look out for times when we feel that further medical and social support is needed. Ultimately this saves hospital admissions, but the reason for our scheme is to look after a growing population of elderly adults who need and deserve our support.
NHS Staff must be able to come to work without fear of violence, abuse or harassment from patients or their relatives. The NHS has a zero tolerance attitude towards violence.
Violent, threatening or abusive behaviour including shouting and swearing will not be tolerated at this Practice.
Patients who act in such a manner will be asked to leave the premises; the Police may be called and you could be removed from our patient list.
Our staff are here to help you. Please treat them with respect.